As we enter a New Year, many of us get a new determination to change some things in our lives. For me, it has often been about weight loss, exercise, organization in my home, and, of course, renewed commitment to my personal prayer and Bible study time.

December has a way of stealing many of my Bible study and prayer times, and that is pretty sad since the season is supposed to be about my Savior, Jesus. The last several years have been better because I became an empty nester. Yes, to-do lists try to steal my attention and time, but I have managed better.

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Stone heart? Thought Attack!!! Give Away!

I confess I sometimes catch myself being apathetic or even stone-hearted—especially when I am so busy, like in December.

Sadly, it is true. It might be as drastic as ignoring someone who needs something, or it might be a sudden realization I am having thoughts or attitudes that are not very nice towards someone else—not even close to what God would want.

At all of these moments, I decide one of two things: either I don’t care how I am acting or thinking. (Maybe even enjoying it! Yikes!) OR I choose to change my actions and thoughts, and therefore my attitude, by thinking about God’s Word and what He would want me to do.

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